
Prescription refills are best handled at your regularly scheduled office visit. During this time, we are able to review the proper dosages, as well as address any questions or concerns you may have. Please bring all medication bottles/packaging to each office visit

If it becomes necessary to refill your medication between appointments, please allow up to 72 hours to accommodate your prescription refill request.

Same-day Service

We can accommodate you for a fee of $15 per prescription request.

Pharmacy faxed requests

Please have your pharmacy fax requests for refills to (210) 650-0750. This can expedite your request.

Mail-in prescriptions

If you are using a mail-in prescription service, we do not fax or call the 800# to fill your prescriptions. We will give you a written prescription to mail to the pharmacy.

Mailing your prescription to you

If you request that we mail your prescription to you as opposed to picking up at the office, please provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Medications requiring a triplicate (narcotics, pain medications, etc) require additional time to handle. We do not refill these medications on Fridays. Patients prescribed these types of medications need to be seen in the office for a follow-up appointment every three months.

New patient prescriptions

We do not refill any medications for new patients until they have been seen in the office and their healthcare is assessed by one of our providers.